Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Veggie Dilemma

Trying to pack in 3-5 servings of vegetables can my tough.  Especially if you don't like them.  Me?  I like them, but still struggle sometimes to meet this serving requirement.  So, recently I've discovered a way to hide them into something fun after discovering this phenomenal smoothie bar at The Bridge Cafe in downtown Manchester, NH!  SMOOTHIES! YUM!  Plus, being pregnant, I have to be cognizant of my Calcium intake (I have to get 1200mg in per day!).  I don't want to rely on these tootsie roll flavored calcium chews and, even though a block of cheese with crackers does sound quite appetizing, I also want a low fat way of getting it in as well.  Head over to Recipes to see what I have replicated from my green smoothie experience and also check out these other websites about the health benefits of the ingredients used: The Truth About Kale25 Reasons to eat Bananas5 Health Benefits of Almond Butter6 Health Benefits of Almond Milk

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A New Fitness Journey Ahead

Staying fit while pregnant is easier said than done.  Although I am only about 6 weeks along, I can attest to this because my food has been all out of whack and, you are what you eat.  No matter what you do in the gym, you can never out train a bad diet - even when pregnant.  There just aren't enough hours in the day to do so.  And, NEWSFLASH!, you only need an extra 150 calories your first trimester - I am preaching to myself here too.  I think it's a mindset problem.  We've been given these messages of "you're eating for two" for however long we can remember and, even though we know that is completely WRONG, it somehow sticks in your brain somewhere.  That cookie isn't looking too bad anymore because, after all, "I need more calories, because I am burning more calories, right?"  Well, after a week of crap eating, I am putting my foot down!  ENOUGH!  Even though for some reason my body wants everything I would never eat before and know I shouldn't have, I am reminded of what I used to preach to myself long before and still believe in whole heartedly - I need to be the most strict on my diet while pregnant!  Whatever I put in my body is not just for me, it's for my baby and, I don't want my baby eating crap.  I want my baby to be fueled with natural, organic (when I can afford it), clean, pure food.  I must give myself a small pat on the back, however, for not caving into coffee or soda since we found out the news.  I know you are "allowed" 200mg of caffeine per day, but studies still don't know exactly what it does to the baby, so no thank you!  Pass the decaf please?!  And, soda?!  I never drank it before.  However, I have been surrounded by it at family gatherings this past week and since I can't have my wine........ but NO WAY will I cave for high fructose corn syrup or artificialness.  Water it is and lots of it!

Here are some pregnancy power foods.  Even if you aren't pregnant these are great foods you should try to incorporate into your diet anyway.  I am trying to incorporate as many as I can on a daily basis, and definitely on a weekly basis:

1. Avocados
2. Broccoli
3. DHA eggs
4. Edamame
5. Carrots
6. Lentils
7. Mangos
8. Nuts
9. Oatmeal (NOT INSTANT!)
10. Red Pepper
11. Spinach
12. Yogurt (GO GREEK!)
13. Kale
14. Salmon
15. Lamb
16. Sweet Potatoes
17. Berries

As for the gym, I go when I can and am making more of an effort now more than ever.  I just have to make sure my heart rate stays below 140 bpm. The more in shape you are before and during your pregnancy, the faster the weight comes off after.  ALSO, the more fit you are, the shorter your labor, less push time and less likelihood of complications during childbirth. 

And so the journey begins.........


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Isagenix works - My 9 day cleanse experience

This is about my 9 day cleanse, I promise, but first a little intro.......

The prices deterred me when I first learned about Isagenix, but when I did the math and realized I would only be spending $9/day for 2 meals and 2 snacks, which would actually be saving me money on my grocery bill, I hurried up and ordered a 30 day Energy and Performance Pack.  I have to admit, I was hardcore with my products for about the first week, then I skipped days here and there and forgot to do certain products certain days.  I ended up stretching my 30 day system into about 45 days.  Other than incorporating these products into my diet, I did absolutely NOTHING DIFFERENT than I was doing before.  Still bogged down with patients and studying for boards at the time.  Still only going to the gym 1-3 weeks; however, my energy was like nothing before.  My 1-3 lackadaisical workouts per week after 12 hours at school became powerful and more efficient.  I was able to get through the day seeing patients without needing 3 cups of coffee to barely get me through.  I felt GREAT!  However, my trip with my husband to Jamaica was fast approaching and I wanted to look even better :)  Also, I needed to compensate for the good 5 lbs I would probably gain at our all-inclusive resort.  So, then came the 9 day cleanse..........

When everyone hears the word "cleanse" they automatically think "bathroom."  However, this is NOT A COLON CLEANSE!!!!!  So, everything was normal in that department for all those wondering ;)  The second thing people think is "Oh, you must be so hungry and lethargic."  However, this cleanse supports your bodies fundamental, nutritional needs in order to prevent these feelings.  I had NO COFFEE - I can't even tell you last time I started a morning without it - and felt more energetic than I ever could with coffee.  Also, no withdrawal symptoms that you typically get if you quit coffee cold turkey.  I have to admit, the cleanse was definitely hard at night when I would see my husband eating and smell the food, but I was determined and I had a goal.  So here's how it worked:

I chose to do the pre-cleanse days which I stretched over 3 days.  I did a shake for breakfast and a shake for lunch, a healthy 400-600calorie dinner (I usually go for a nice salad with grilled protein), and 2 IsaSnacks between meals.  On cleanse days, I had 4oz. of the Cleanse for Life drink with 2 glasses of water 4 times per day with 2 IsaSnacks between - so 3 Snacks - with 2 glasses of water.  I never once felt lethargic or tired on these days and, like I said before, business in the bathroom was per usual.  The 5 Shake days in-between were the same as the pre-cleanse days.  I even cheated a little on the third shake day when my husband and I spent the day at the lake with my friend, Christina and her boyfriend.  We went out for dinner and I had a blackened haddock salad with a fresh lemon juice drizzle; however, I also partook in a glass of red wine, a few chicken wings and a few fried shrimp :)  I must say though, I was EXTREMELY proud of myself for having absolutely NO DESSERTS for 11 days straight!  WOW!  That is probably a record for me and my sweet tooth.  So, now that the cleanse is over, I must say that I FEEL GREAT AND LOOK GREAT!  I am extremely pleased with my results and will have no guilt indulging in Jamaica.  The 9 day cleanse is a great way to give you a boost into Isagenix and get your weightloss/fitness goals rolling.  Here's my results on paper:

If you are interested in learning more about Isagenix and how it can change your life too, just click the Isagenix tab, above, and shoot me an email.  BON VOYAGE!  JAMAICA HERE I COME!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

You are what you eat

You know the old saying "You are what you eat"?  Well, IT'S RIGHT!  What determines the way your body looks is more dictated by what you are putting into it (~70%) than it is by what you are doing at the gym (~30%).  When I was told this I didn't believe it, but after years of experience of eating clean and then recently adding Isagenix into the mix, I would  agree that even more than 70% of what you look like is dictated by what you are fueling it with over what you are putting in at the gym.  What's in your protein?!

Friday, June 14, 2013

My first blog!

Here I go on this blogging adventure!  Check out all the pages attached and stay tuned for my Isagenix 9 day cleanse experience to help me get bikini body ready for my husband and I's anniversary vaca to Jamaica :)